joi, 2 iulie 2009

Heaven - When do you love your life the most ?

I’ve been asked this question I think several times now and I didn’t know what to answer. I guess the answer is found in time.

Everybody had one of this “ I love my life “ or “ I don’t want go give up on my life” thoughts at least one time by now. I don’t want to start talking here like I’m writing some kind of a fairytale , just some life facts.

You sure had moments when you wished to shout “ SHIT HAPPENEDS !!!!” , or something like that ,right ?

And I also think most of you have that thought in your mind that life sucks.

Yeah , it does , but is up to us to make it less bad .

Anyway, turning back to our subject in my opinion we most care about our life`s when something bad happens. Either we get ill , or an accident happeneds , then , when we see how close we are to live our family and friends alone , to live the places we love to live in or the places we like to go in vacation , that thought of “ I’ll maybe never see those again “ makes us remember those times when we had fun with our friends or the ones when we worked hard for getting something , those thoughts make us love our lives.

Now , normally in our lives we must have a sense of purpose , in ourselves strongly believe in that we live for doing something that will change in one way or an other the world . if you didn’t felt it yet it’s okay , you’ll feel it in a period of time , you’ll see.

Does that sense of purpose make us love our lives ? yes , it does, everybody that has felt it knows what I’m talking about, and knows that I’m right . that sense of purpose makes us go on thinking that ,hey we really have something to live for J.

I have mentioned a lot of things but I forgot, more or less to say one: Love. Yes love makes us go on. the love we have for our family , friends , boyfriend/girlfriend , wife/ husband and so on. How many times did you help a person you love trough you were sick or tiered. And have you ever had that feeling that you must be healthy and feel no pain because of someone you love?

What’s good is that this really makes us go on, feel no pain and move on.

Love your life .

duminică, 21 iunie 2009

Heaven - Why do I live ? (part II)

Traiesc …

Traiesc pentru cine sunt , un nimeni cu alte cuvinte. Un nimeni caruia ii pasa prea mult de persoanele din jur si care-si uraste constiinta. Un nimeni ce poate sa ajunga “cineva” intr-o secunda sau poate ramane asa pentru totdeauna Un nimeni care pana mai adineaori a crezut ca daca esti o persoana buna , si faci bine, o sa ti se intoarca tot lucruri bune.. Pana acum doua zile credeam in asta atat de tare, dar totul mi s-a prabusit in 5 cuvinte. Cat de trist. totusi cat de adevarat. Si tu stii asta , stii asta mai bine ca mine, stii pentru ca ai trait asemenea clipe nu numai o data in viata .

Traiesc … ei bine traiesc sa rad, si poate sa mai fac si pe altcineva de langa mine sa rada…. Rasul meu era pana mai ieri era plin de caldura, iar acum daca as rade m-as ingropa iarasi , in amintiri, amintiri ce mi-am facut cale prin ele si de care n-am scapat nici pana acum , care ma bantuie impreuna cu o suita de cuvinte ce-mi umbla prin minte. Tie ele ce-ti spun ?

Traiesc .. probabil ca traiesc pentru urmatoarele dezamagiri pe care le voi avea , pentru urmatoarele zile insorite si pentru faptul ca trebuie sa bat pe cineva incontinuu la cap.

Traiesc pentru ideile, si principiile mele, pentru felul meu de a fi , de a vorbi , de a ma imbraca .

Traiesc pentru apelul ala pierdut pe care l-am vazut tarziu si caruia nu-I stiu apelantul, pentru acea curiozitate imensa si pentru constientizarea ca , desigur nu e acea persoana de la care ma astept eu sa fie. Da…. Si tu ai simtit asta, nu nu considera ciudat ce citesti aici.

Traiesc ,cred, pentru muzica pe care o ascult… sau mai bine zis ea ma tine in viata pe mine. Fara muzica mi-ar fi fost greu sa ajung pana aici, daca as fi ajuns. Ea mi-a tinut moralul ridicat , m-a impins sa fac cateva lucruri ce nu credeam ca o sa le fac, care a stiut cum sa-mi alineze “ranile de lupta”. Pentru ca viata pana la urma e o batalie.. in care, sa fim seriosi , chiar daca avem impresia ca am castigat, toti ajungem pana la urma in acea cutie de lemn cu capac si cu o cruce , intr-un loc rece si intunecat.

Si pana la urma traim pentru ca suntem oameni , pentru ca avem ceva de spus, avem ceva de facut, si avem de indreptat greseli.

Tu .....pentru ce traiesti ?

vineri, 19 iunie 2009

Heaven - Why do I live ? (part I)

Buna , sunt Heaven. Vin dintr-o familie putin dezorganizata, putin neunita… putin egoista. Dar imi place sa cred ca nu sunt ca nici unul din membrii ei. Poate nu e adevarat, poate eu sunt oaia negra a familiei, adica poate eu sunt cel mai prost exemplu de dat. Dar asta este, imi accept soarta, la gandul ca, o pot schimba in orice moment, pentru ca poate nu ne dam seama, insa avem aceasta putere. Pot de exemplu acum sa ies pe usa si sa ma indrept spre un nou inceput, sau pot sa stau in aceasta camera pentru totdeauna si sa scriu … nici una nu e o varianta buna. Nu in momentul acesta.

Revenind , am inceput sa scriu pentru ca simteam nevoia de a face ceva constructiv…ceva care poate nu numai pe mine ma ajuta , ci poate ajuta si pe altcineva .

Scriind .. gandindu-ma … ajung sa am un raspuns fara intrebare … de fapt mai multe raspunsuri cumulate intr-o pagina sau mai putin. Si imi tot vin raspunsuri, in continuare, fara a se opri. Dar intrebarea ramane necunoscuta … pana intr-un moment, cand o gasesc. Altfel spus cred ca ea a venit singura la mine …. De ce traim ?

Nu sunt prima si cu siguranta nici ultima persoana care pune aceasta intrebare, de baza pentru unii, fara insemn pentru altii. Fireste, sunt constienta ca acesta nu este raspunsul complet, sau ca unii l-ar considera fara valoare. Dar este raspunsul meu, raspunsul al anilor acestia prin care am trecut, ani in care raul s-a impletit cu binele intr-o manta ce astazi o port pe umeri … care e grea, mai ales dupa cele recent intamplate, dar care e ca o calauza protectoare , prin sfaturile, pe care mi le-a dat , o data cu greselile facute … poate din aceasta cauza o si urasc atat de mult, pentru ca nu mi-a spus inainte ca avea sa se intample ceva rau, ci dupa cand totul era deja in zadar.

Si deci … pentru ce traim ? raspunsul meu , poate se va gasiti si voi gandurile voastre …

Traim, traiesc pentru mine , in primul rand , pentru ce am de facut in aceasta viata.

Traiesc pentru acele vise ce le am si ce nu ma lasa sa pun punct.

Traiesc pentru persoanele la care tin, pentru persoanele care au nevoie de mine … chiar daca nu stiu inca , sau chiar daca nu-mi sunt prea simpatice. Pentru prietenii mei, care acum sincer mi-ar placea sa-I insir , dar care nu ar face o lista prea lunga – si aici ma refer la prieteni adevarati, caci “amici” gasesti la tot pasul – si pentru oamenii pe care ii respect; un respect fragil , ca o panza de paianjen, ce se poate rupe intr-o secunda.

Traiesc, si aici marturisesc ca-mi va fi greu sa scriu fara a varsa cateva lacrimi, pentru acele clipe pe care le regret, si pentu acele lucruri pe care le puteam impiedica se sa intample. Pentru acele cuvinte, spuse prea tarziu sau prea devreme si pentru cele ramase in intuneric… pentru acele lucruri ce nu le-am spus nimanui niciodata … sau poate unei singure persoane, dar care nu merita sa le auda, desi eu credeam ca numai ea poate sa ma sprijine , si poate sa imi fie alaturi pentru un lung timp de acum inainte .

joi, 18 iunie 2009


This is Hell.The place where the eternal flame burns,the place where the light does not penetrate,the warmth of mortals does not dwell here.(c)

Lost souls are led in the places where their sins have taken them.A tall and pale demon takes them to their eternal planes,inscribing a marking on their heart.

The black rose hovers in the sky like a black diamond,the ones who sinned in the name of love have found comfort here.Solitude is like deep icy waters,cold and painfull like needles. Their souls are now desolate tombstones,the only companion that comes to their side is a raven,blacker than the deepest abyss:

"Once again,
The sun i blocked out from the sun,
A glimpse of hope dies
With a silent scream,
A raven is my companion
My corpse it's feast."

The tears of their grief have turned into a shallow river,you can hear every moment of regret in their heart,every moment of doubt.A mere mortal would lose sanity the moment he hears the cries from the river.(c)

Those guilty of pride and glutony are taken in a set of chambers in which they see the richests feasts,pleasures beyond imagination.But the demon tells them that they must not give into these delights or they will fall instantly forever losing their souls in the grinder of souls,the forge from which the fabric of hell is created.
The forge creates new and complicated mazes for the damned to suffer even more:

"Today i died,
But i'm reborn
My feelings are gone,
Gone in the grinder,
My feeble matter a worm."

Murderers and thieves and bound in chains,in their maze the sky is blood red,living dead with golden nails in their foreheads and razors in their fingers caress their skin,skinning them as they heal over time.A woman dressed in a leather mantel with her arms replaced by blades cuts their lips and their tongues so they won't scream,as they are forced to endure pain over and over.She has gained favor from the gods of the abyss,though shes is damned,she will carry out their will.Her body strapped with leather belts and nails.(c)

"I was once a king
In my own mind
But now the jester...
Tears at my skin
I cannot scream...
I cannot scream."

To conclude the darkest souls are not those who suffer and rot in the abyss,but those who fight to escape from the abyss and move silently among us.(c)

duminică, 14 iunie 2009


Have you ever been to haven and hell at the same time?

Have you ever known how it is to feel love and hate the same time?

Are you ready to rise higher than lightings and fall lower than ground?

Welcome to Haven & Hell.

A two language blog (English and Romanian) that wants to help you remember the good things in life, to make you more confident in your own strengths, or just make you smile, in the mean time bringing back you the most painful memories to haunt you, making you remember the sorrow that you have to bear, remembering you the lie you have to live.

Feel free to talk to us in your comments and share your thoughts , problems or life with us.

Hi :). I’m Haven. I will talk about good, about what makes us go on , get trough different situations in life,either family problems, failed relationships , lies , dead dreams or lost of confidence. Haven means forgiving, forgetting, moving on.

Hello. I am Hell. Here is the place we're the damned find comfort... The warmth of life does not dwell here. I will rake up your deepest saddest and most painful memories. You say you thought you forgot them, liar. How can you live a 3D illusion? I will bring pain in your thoughts … keep refusing to see the reality.

© Heaven & Hell